Dear readers,
The reading room is located at the following address: Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st. 82 (Kaluzhskaya metro station).
Contact phone numbers:
• Reading room:
• Archival documents and information retrieval systems department
RGANTD reading room working hours:
• Monday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
• Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
• Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
• Saturday-Sunday: days off
Cleaning day: the first working day of each month
The admittance to the reading room stops 1 hour ahead of the close of business.
Information to foreign citizens.
Be advised that foreign citizens should inform about the intended date of visiting the archive reading room no later than 10 (ten) working days ahead of time.
Foreign citizens should provide the following information: The last name, the first name, and patronymic (if any), citizenship and the passport data details, the purpose and topic of research, submit the basis for admittance (an official company letter or a written personal statement), the dates of intended visit, information on affiliation specifying position and contact information.
You should undergo measuring of your temperature by noncontacting thermometer on entering the archive’s building.
The reading room contains inventories for all types of documents kept in the open storage, guidebooks and reviews on RGANTD funds, the Archival Fund database containing all documents archived, the topic and attribute databases for RGANTD documents accessed by the automated information retrieval system, an accounting and retrieval database for electronic RGANTD document inventories, as well as database on space topics featuring digitized copies of photographs and audio documents.
The work of RGANTD reading room is set up according to the following official documents:
Procedures to use archival documents in the government and municipal archives of the Russian Federation approved by Instruction No. 143 of the Federal Archive Agency dated September 1, 2017;
Price list of commercial services rendered by the Federal company Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation.